The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire Read online

Page 6

  Another unique characteristic of Ogham is that it can be signed with the fingers. Using a part of the body—the torso, nose, or leg—as a center dividing line, you can extend your fingers on either side to form letters.

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  Other Options

  The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century B.C.E., is usually credited with having developed the system of numerology that we use today. This study of numbers, known as gematria, attaches a number equivalent to each letter in a word. Each number has an esoteric meaning as well as a mundane one. Someone who understands the hidden correspondences between letters and numbers can read a word and comprehend a secret meaning behind the obvious one.

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  Various other magickal alphabets exist too, such as the Masonic/Rosicrucian system. In his comprehensive book, The Magician’s Companion, Bill Whitcomb presents a collection of different secret scripts including an intriguing one based on configurations of daggers. You can even design your very own magick language that only you can interpret.


  Before you begin writing in your grimoire, you’ll want to prepare your body and your mind. Open yourself to the guidance of the Goddess or a particular deity with whom you’ve chosen to work. You want to move into a realm beyond the mundane, where you align with Spirit. Begin your preparation by making a conscious decision to enter the time and space we refer to as “between the worlds.”

  Turn off the TV. Shut down your computer. Silence your phone. Dim the lights. Light a candle or two or three. Do not let the outside world intrude. Invite benevolent forces to assist you. Relax and breathe slowly, deeply. Clear your mind.

  One by one, begin to release your distractions, letting them flow further and further away from you.

  Sit in a comfortable place with your spine straight, facing your altar if you have one. Picture a radiant ball of energy located in the center of your being, your solar plexus, about halfway between your heart and your navel. As you continue to breathe, allow the light to expand. As you inhale, understand that as you take the surrounding air into your body, you transform it into energy. As you exhale, you release your cares and concerns. Get in touch with this cycle of breathing, of energy released and replenished, replenished and released.

  If you are sitting in a chair, bend down and touch the floor with the palms of your hands as you breathe in, imagining that you are gathering energy from the earth beneath you, beneath your home. Picture the earth. Now send your energy outward so that you can psychically touch things beyond your physical reach. Your reach extends beyond the floorboards, beyond the foundations of your home, deep into the sacred earth.

  Call up this energy as you breathe in. Sit up straight again, and let the energy flow through you. As you exhale, send it spiraling into your center. Envision it transforming into a glowing light that you hold within the core of your being. When this image becomes very clear, visualize the glowing ball of energy moving slightly, first spiraling within itself, and then traveling up and down a bit. Realize that as you breathe, you are taking in energy from the air and transforming it into living breath. You are also taking in energy from the earth and transforming it into active power.

  Stay focused and let the rising ball of energy reach your heart. Experience this as an embrace from the Goddess, the power of the earth moving through you according to your will. Envision the ball of energy separating and becoming two distinct spheres. As the spheres separate, they travel to your shoulders. Feel the warmth surrounding your shoulders as you would if you were walking in bright sunlight.

  Let the spheres of pulsing, glowing light travel slowly down your arms; experience each movement as a distinct sensation. Your shoulders drop and become more relaxed. Any residual tension in your arms completely dissipates. Your wrists grow limp. You are surrendering to the beauty of this power, even as you are directing it. The energy fills your hands and permeates all the way to your fingertips.

  Turn your hands over so that your palms face-up. Slowly raise your arms. Imagine sending this energy outward to touch all beings. Extend your arms with your palms facing outward in an invoking gesture. Breathe deeply and feel how this transforming energy changes you.

  Open your eyes and look around the room. Notice how your perception has changed. Lower your arms slowly and let your hands touch the floor once again. Continue focusing on the cycle of breath, releasing and replenishing energy. As you exhale, send the energy back into the earth from which it came. Breathe deeply.

  You should feel relaxed, but not the least bit sleepy. Tranquil, but invigorated and alive, in touch with the earth and with the delicate energies to which the intuitive mind is open. Think about how a simple act such as grounding your energy and opening your psychic center can heighten your awareness. Now you are ready to begin writing.

  “Magick happens when you step into who you truly are and embrace that which fulfills your soul.”


  Set aside time to write in your grimoire on a regular basis. Incorporate writing into your magickal practice and into your regular routine. Find some time to write in the morning, remembering your dreams and delineating your hopes for the day. Write in the evening to reflect on the day’s events. A line or two will suffice. Honor the moments in life that could be easily forgotten by jotting down a word or two about the sunrise or the approach of twilight.

  Your grimoire can be anything and everything you want it to be. It is the place for you to explore and express your spirituality: a safe place free from other people’s judgment, criticism, and skepticism. No one but you need be aware of the secrets kept within its pages. Creating your own grimoire lets you deepen awareness of your magickal life. By writing your story, you may also become an inspiration for others. Your book of shadows will enhance your knowledge of yourself, your aspirations, your dreams, and your personal growth. May it comfort you in times of darkness and bring you joy in times of light. May it keep your secrets as a trusted friend would, protect the stories of your lifetime, and hold your personal mythology securely.

  Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed be.

  Part II




  Chapter 6


  Magick isn’t something you do, it’s what you are. As a witch, you will make magickal workings an integral part of your everyday life. We usually think of the sabbats as times to perform spells and rituals. The sabbats, however, only make up eight days out of 365 each year—what about the rest? Why wait for the next sabbat to cast a spell, communicate with the spirit realm, or engage in a meaningful ritual?

  Every day is a magickal day, if you choose to see it that way. Wondrous happenings and amazing revelations occur each day of the year. All we have to do is open our eyes and minds and hearts to these occurrences. Each day also affords unique opportunities for spellworking. By understanding the distinct qualities of the days of the week and the forces behind them, you can attune yourself to their special energies and thus enhance the power of your spells. Of course, you’ll want to record your experiences in your grimoire.

  “To work magic, I need a basic belief in my ability to do things and cause things to happen. That belief is generated and sustained by my daily actions.”



  You may enjoy writing in your book of shadows as soon as you awaken, thus making it part of your morning routine. This way, the images from your dreams will still be fresh and you can record them in detail. Later on, the busyness of the day will likely cloud your memory. Early morning is also a good time to set out your intentions for the day.

  In addition to writing, you may want to design a simple ritual that will start the day on a pleasant note. Anything that you do every day with awareness becomes a ritual, such as
taking a refreshing shower or savoring a morning cup of coffee. The challenge is to make the ritual sacred, and to receive the benefits of divine grace. You may only need a few moments to transform your morning experience from mundane to magickal, thus paving the way to a more inspired and productive day.

  Use the following suggested ritual to start your day, or design one of your own. Personalize the ritual, if you wish, by inserting the names of other goddesses or deities with whom you feel a special affinity.

  Begin by sitting or standing before your altar. Place a small quartz crystal, a cup or chalice of water, a candle, a little essential oil that you find pleasing, and some incense on the altar. Light the candle to symbolize the rising sun, and then take a moment to reflect silently on the energies you’d like to call to yourself during the unfolding day. Imagine your perfect day and try to form a clear image of it in your mind. You may want to accomplish something specific. Perhaps you’d like to change something in your regimen, such as eating a healthy breakfast instead of grabbing a doughnut.

  Picture yourself in a state of attainment. See yourself achieving whatever your heart desires. Imagine doing all the things you mean to do and need to do in a state of joy and satisfaction. When the image of what you intend is clear, speak the following words aloud, or improvise your own: “Rosy-fingered Eos, goddess of the dawn who paints the morning sky with light, I ask for your blessing and rejoice as you set the sky alight. I anoint myself as your child, alive and anew with your radiant energy.”

  Place a small drop of essential oil on your fingertip. Touch your fingertip to your third eye (on your forehead, between your eyebrows). See yourself bathed in the light of the breaking dawn.

  Light the incense and let its perfume waft over you. Inhale its aroma and speak the following words: “The fires of day have risen. Let my heart’s desire rise up to the feet of the Goddess, that she may gather and direct my sacred intention with her wisdom and power. As the sun climbs through the sky, bless me, Lady of the Morning, who bestows abundance to us, her children. So mote it be.”

  Grasp the cup/chalice of water and hold it aloft to toast the day. Bring it down to chest level, near to your heart. Dip your fingers in the water, close your eyes, and place a little water on each eyelid. Say aloud, “Goddess Iris, who adorns the sky with rainbows of light, bring me clarity of vision that I may see the true nature of everything around me. May I be blessed in your eyes.”

  Hold the crystal in your hands, feeling it come alive with your energy. Imbue the stone with the intentions of what you most desire to manifest on this day. As you hold the crystal, speak the following words or improvise your own: “Blessed Mother Earth, I honor you and your unending generosity. May your sacred treasure enrich my existence. May I share the abundance of the Goddess on this day.”

  Extinguish the candle. Carry the crystal with you as a talisman to help you maintain your focus throughout the day.

  Note in your grimoire any impressions, sensations, insights, or other experiences that arise during your morning ritual. Quite possibly you’ll receive some sort of awareness or guidance now that can help you as the day unfolds.


  Twilight is an utterly magickal time—a liminal zone that’s not wholly day or night, but betwixt and between. The sun sinks low in the horizon, painting the sky with brilliant light. Behind the sunset darkness approaches in indigo and violet hues, and finally the black of hidden wisdom descends. At this time of transition, the clarity of light merges with the mysteries of darkness. Celebrate with an evening ritual such as the following, or create your own. Personalize it, if you wish, by inserting the names of other goddesses or deities with whom you feel a special affinity.

  Begin by reflecting on the day that has just passed. Contemplate what you have experienced. Which things went as you had hoped and which things would you have changed if given the chance?

  Place a cup or chalice of water, a candle, and a moonstone on your altar. Light some incense as you invoke the mysteries of the night with this charge: “Queen of the Night, radiant goddess Nut who shines forth in her many aspects through the moon and stars, bless this coming darkness. I ask for your blessing as one who honors you and seeks to learn your great mysteries.”

  Hold the incense aloft and say: “As the curling whispers of smoke rise to greet the night sky, so does my mind rise along the rivers of dreamtime to welcome you, beloved Goddess, into my dreams. I invoke you and I invite you to inspire my dreams that I may experience your divine grace.”

  Light the candle and meditate on its softly glowing flame, as you say: “I step between the worlds into a world both in and out of time. The candle lights my path as the moon lights the night sky. I gaze upon your great beauty in wonder, Goddess of the Ages, Lady of Mystery, thou who art brighter than all the stars.”

  Hold your cup or chalice and take a sip of water as you say: “May your abundance flow through me, may dreams and visions come to me. May the unseen be seen and the power of sight granted to me that I may perceive in the night that which is unknowable by day.”

  Pick up your moonstone and hold it to your third eye as you say: “Rare gem of the night, send forth your light to guide me through the darkness. I enter into your starry realm in love and trust, abandoning all fear with the knowledge that you are with me always, in my thoughts and in my dreams. I do not merely sleep, but awaken to your presence.”

  Think about what you would like to glean from your dreams. Inspiration? Prophecy? Self-knowledge? When you’re ready, extinguish the candle.

  Take a few minutes to write in your grimoire your ideas and intentions, as well as any insights or impressions you may have received during the ritual.

  “It is only by working the rituals, that any significant degree of understanding can develop. If you wait until you are positive you understand all aspects of the ceremony before beginning to work, you will never begin to work.”



  According to astrology and mythology, each day of the week is ruled by one of the heavenly bodies in our solar system. Each day also has a rich Pagan history of its own. Different days have different qualities and characteristics, therefore some days are better suited than others to specific types of spellwork. By casting a spell on the day that corresponds to your intention—based on the deity who presides over the day—you can increase your potential for success. Most love spells, for instance, should be done on Friday because Venus, the planet of love and relationships, governs that day.

  Day of the Week Ruling Planet/Deity

  Sunday Sun

  Monday Moon

  Tuesday (Mardi in French) Mars (Tiw in Norse mythology)

  Wednesday (Mercredi in French) Mercury

  Thursday Jupiter (Thor in Norse mythology)

  Friday (Vendredi in French) Venus (Freya in Norse mythology)

  Saturday Saturn

  When you prepare yourself to enact a ritual or cast a spell or a charm, you are agreeing to suspend reality for a time to get in touch with energies greater than your own limited scope of individual perception. By entering the space and time “between the worlds,” you make an agreement with yourself and with the spirits. You agree to acknowledge their divine presence by inviting them into your sacred space. You agree to accept physical manifestations of the divine presence. And you agree to suspend your sense of disbelief in order to accept that magick and psychic experiences are indeed possible and desirable. You might not hear a clap of thunder to show that the goddesses and gods have acknowledged your work—but, then again, you just might.

  Your Personal Best

  When’s the best time to cast a spell? On your birthday. On that special day each year, the sun shines brightly on you (even if it’s raining outdoors) and spotlights your unique talents and abilities. The day’s vibrant energy enhances whatever you undertake. As a result, whatever spells you do on your birthday have a better than usual chance of s


  As suggested by its name, the sun rules Sunday. The sun’s golden rays brighten everything they touch. The sun’s light enables us to clearly distinguish one thing from another, and it nurtures growth on our planet. Therefore, Sunday’s energy supports spells that involve creativity, inspiration, self-expression, career success, and public image. This is also a good time for celebration and bringing people together—consider performing group rituals on Sundays. Because witches connect the sun with God energy, you may want to call upon the sun gods such as Ra (Egyptian), Apollo (Greek), or Aidan (Celtic) to lend strength and meaning to your efforts.


  The moon rules Monday. Because we associate the moon with Goddess energy, magickal work planned for a Monday should involve aspects of the Goddess. The changing phases of the moon make Monday a good time to do spells and rituals designed to stimulate change. The moon governs the tides, so spells involving water are also appropriate for this day. Think of purification and cleansing work that you may need to do. Consider consecrating your chalice on a Monday. Astrologers associate the moon with home and family; therefore, it’s best to cast spells involving these things on a Monday. Lunar energy enhances fertility spells too. Meditate on the aspects of the Greek moon goddess, Artemis, or on her Roman counterpart, Diana, and request her assistance.