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The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire Page 9

  Pluto Hidden power/forces, transformation, death and rebirth

  When you’re doing spells, you may want to refer to this table. Venus’s energy, for instance, can enhance love spells. Jupiter’s expansive power can be an asset when you’re doing spells for career success or financial growth. You can use the planets’ symbols on candles, in talismans and amulets, and lots of other ways. You may also wish to consult an astrologer or check an ephemeris (tables of daily planetary movements) to determine when the celestial energies are favorable for your magickal workings.


  Consider organizing your grimoire around the solar cycles. Each month write down your spells, rituals, and experiences along your magickal journey. Astrologers begin the solar year with the Spring Equinox, when the sun enters the zodiac sign Aries on about March 21. In the witches’ Wheel of the Year, this is the sabbat of Ostara. During each solar month, record how you feel, what you see happening around you in nature, what you experience (especially in terms of your magickal and spiritual development), significant dreams and insights, and, of course, the spells you do. You may also enjoy pressing seasonal flowers, leaves, and other botanicals between the pages of your grimoire to mark the beauty of the changing seasons. Some witches begin a new book of shadows every year, and you may choose to do this at the Spring Equinox instead of on Samhain. If you prefer, you could annually revisit the sections designated for each solar month and add updates.

  Planets and Signs

  Each planet rules one or more signs of the zodiac. You probably know your birth sign—that’s the astrological sign in which the sun was positioned on the day you were born. What you may not know, though, is that the moon and all the planets in our solar system also spend periods of time in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac and they continually move through these signs/sectors of the heavens. These signs affect the energy of the planets. Therefore, it’s good to check the positions of the planets when you’re doing spells—especially the placements of the sun and moon. In Part II, I frequently advise doing spells when the sun or moon is in a particular astrological sign, in order to tip the scales in your favor. The following table shows the connections between the planets and the signs they govern.

  Planet Zodiac Sign(s)

  Sun Leo

  Moon Cancer

  Mercury Gemini, Virgo

  Venus Taurus, Libra

  Mars Aries

  Jupiter Sagittarius

  Saturn Capricorn

  Uranus Aquarius

  Neptune Pisces

  Pluto Scorpio

  Now, refer back to the table presented earlier in this chapter that lists the planets and their areas of influence. When the sun or moon is positioned in a sign, it takes on characteristics of that sign and the planet that rules the sign, which can be important in spellwork. For example, it’s usually best to do love spells when the sun or moon is in Taurus or Libra—signs ruled by the planet Venus. If you’re doing a travel spell, consider casting it when the sun or moon is in Gemini or Sagittarius.

  The moon remains in a sign for about two and a half days and completes a circuit of all twelve zodiac signs each month. Check an ephemeris or an online astrology site to determine which days will support your objectives.

  Sun Signs

  When someone asks “What’s your sign?” he’s really asking “Where was the sun positioned in the sky on the day you were born?” Astrology divides the sky into twelve sectors and links them with the signs of the zodiac. From earth, the sun appears to travel through all twelve sectors during the course of a year, spending approximately thirty days in each sign.


  The sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox, around March 21, and remains in the sign until about April 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the earth now begins to awaken after a period of slumber. Plants start to sprout; baby animals are born; migrating birds return from their winter habitats. Thus, we consider Aries a time of beginnings and planting seeds, physically or symbolically.

  Do you sense something stirring in you now? Do you feel inspired to begin something new, break new ground, or “birth” a part of yourself? Because the war god Mars (Ares in Greek tradition) rules this sign, you may seek out challenges, adventures, and physical activities this month. The fiery energy of the period can help fuel your ambitions and desires.


  The sun enters Taurus around April 21 and remains in this sign until about May 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the days now grow warmer and the earth begins to bring forth the first of its bounty. Therefore, we consider Taurus a fruitful sign and connect it with abundance.

  Are your creative juices stirring? Do you feel a desire to express yourself or use your talents in a productive way that others can appreciate? The earthy energy of Taurus can help bring your ideas to fruition. Do you feel more sexual than usual? Because Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, rules this sign, you may focus on relationships or devote yourself to sensual pleasures now.


  The sun enters Gemini around May 21 and remains in this sign until about June 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, flowers blossom profusely now, spreading their pollen far and wide. In a similar way, Gemini’s energy spreads ideas far and wide, “pollenating” our minds and cultures.

  Do ideas blossom in your head now? Do you seek out people with whom to share your ideas and interests? Are you hungry for knowledge? Because Mercury, the god of communication, rules this sign you might choose to read, write, study, communicate with friends, or engage in other intellectual endeavors now.


  The sun enters Cancer around June 21, and remains in this sign until about July 21, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. This period of fullness in the Northern Hemisphere begins with the Summer Solstice, the longest day in the year, and the Wiccan sabbat Midsummer. As the earth blossoms with abundance, you may become aware of the abundance in your own life and express gratitude for it.

  Do you feel a desire to celebrate your tribe, culture, and/or heritage? Do your loved ones seem dearer to you than usual? Do you experience strong nurturing feelings toward others or long to be nurtured by someone else? Because the moon rules Cancer, which astrologers link with home and family, you may enjoy spending time at home with your family now or reconnecting with your ancestors.


  The sun enters Leo around July 22 and remains in this sign until about August 22, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. In many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the sun shines brilliantly now and illuminates our world. Likewise, Leo’s light shines brightly on each of us, illuminating our special gifts.

  Are your creative juices flowing? Do you feel inspired to express your unique talents and seek recognition for your abilities? Now’s the time to step out of the shadows, into the spotlight. Leo’s fiery energy gives you the confidence and courage to show your stuff, and to make your mark in the world.


  The sun enters Virgo around August 23 and remains in this sign until about September 22, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are growing shorter and cooler temperatures remind us that winter lurks just around the corner. Now we must work to prepare ourselves for bleaker times ahead.

  Do you feel a need to tend to the details in your life, to put things in order? Do you seem busier than usual? If you’ve taken a break during the summer, you may sense pressure to get back to work. Virgo’s practical energy helps you see things in perspective and organize your plans for the future.


  The sun enters Libra around September 23 and remains in this sign until about October 21, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. This is one of the most beautiful times of the year in many
parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and it begins with the Fall Equinox––the harvest celebration Wiccans call Mabon.

  Do you feel a sense of “gathering” as winter approaches, a desire to collect and store the rich abundance of the period (literally or symbolically) in preparation for the future? Do you experience a heightened appreciation for the beauty around you? Venus, the planet of relationships, rules Libra. It makes you aware of your connection to other people and your need for them, inspiring you to gather your loved ones around you.


  The sun enters Scorpio around October 21 and remains in this sign until about November 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. As the nights grow longer and colder in the Northern Hemisphere, we tend to draw into ourselves and shift away from outer-world activities, becoming more introspective. Samhain, the most sacred of the witch’s sabbats, occurs during this solar month and recognizes the continuing cycle of death and rebirth as the earth slips into a period of decline and rest.

  Do you feel like pulling into yourself to explore your innermost depths? Are you shedding things you no longer need, so something new can emerge? Do you sense a connection with the spirit realm, hidden forces, and a desire to delve into regions beyond the material world? The transformative energy of Pluto, the planet that rules Scorpio, can guide you beyond the mundane into the extraordinary.


  The sun enters Sagittarius around November 21 and remains in this sign until about December 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. As winter closes in (in the Northern Hemisphere), we feel an urgency to do all that needs to be done in preparation for the harsh time ahead; therefore, this month is often a busy one.

  Astrologers connect this sign with questing for knowledge and experiences that broaden us physically and/or spiritually. In some countries, it coincides with a period of travel, generosity, and social celebrations. Do you seek to expand your horizons through study, travel, or exploring the spiritual realms? Do you reach out to others, offering your time, energy, and material benefits in an expression of gratitude and giving back for the abundance you’ve enjoyed? Do you feel restless and curious about what lies just beyond your reach? The benevolent energy of Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, can help you find what you’re looking for.


  The sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice around December 21—also the Wiccan sabbat Yule—and remains in this sign until about January 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. During the darkest time of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere), solar forces withdraw to shelter and renew themselves in preparation for the fruitful times ahead. Early cultures recognized this as a time of courage during a harsh period of cold and scarcity and celebrated humankind’s strength when faced with difficulty.

  Do you find yourself retreating, regrouping, and repairing in preparation for the future? Are you assessing your resources and using them productively? Are career or financial issues a priority now? It’s time to get realistic about your goals and start formulating plans—it’s no coincidence that we make New Year’s resolutions during Capricorn. Let pragmatic Saturn, which rules this sign, guide you.


  The sun enters Aquarius around January 21 and remains in this sign until about February 19, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. Even though this can be the coldest period of the year in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the days are growing longer and hope for better times glimmers on the horizon. Change hovers in the air, heralded by Uranus, the planet of change, which rules Aquarius.

  Do you feel restless and ready for new adventures? Do you sense a change within yourself and/or see change beginning to happen around you? Are your senses and ideas awakening after a period of withdrawal, leading you to seek out the company of like-minded individuals? Let the energy of Aquarius guide you to express your true self.


  The sun enters Pisces around February 20 and remains in this sign until about March 20, although this can vary a day or so from year to year. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces bridges the mundane and the spirit realms, showing us that we are not merely physical beings but sparks of the Divine. Even though the days are growing longer, this can still be a cold, dreary, isolating month in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, during which we spend time looking within ourselves. Draw upon the wisdom of the hidden dimension now and the knowledge that abides in your own deepest regions.

  Is your intuition sharper than usual? Are your dreams more vivid? Do you recognize the presence of the Divine acting through you? Do you feel inspired to express artistically what’s being conveyed to you? The visionary power of Neptune, which rules Pisces, can reveal what lies beyond the material world and connect you with spiritual forces that can guide you on your path.

  Celestial Charts

  You can look up the exact positions of the sun, moon, and planets on any given day in a book called an ephemeris. These tables of planetary motion list the heavenly bodies according to the signs and degrees in which they’re located on every day of the year. Usually the data are arranged by month and grouped into a volume that covers a year, a decade, or even an entire century. You can find ephemerides online too.


  “To everything there is a season,” says Ecclesiastes 3:1. That’s certainly true in the art of spellcraft. Aligning yourself with cosmic energies that support the nature of your spells can improve their effectiveness. Keep a record in your grimoire of the spells you do during each solar month and note their outcomes. I like to date the spells I perform, so I can go back later and compare my experiences year after year. This also helps me to better understand how the energies operating at different times of the year influence my magickal workings.

  Following you’ll find information about the types of spells best suited to each month of the solar year. If, however, you can’t wait until the “right” month to cast your spell, perform the spell when the moon passes through that sign (which it does for approximately two and a half days each month)—we’ll discuss this more in Chapter 9.


  The strong, activating energy present this month helps jump-start spells for new endeavors. If you’re facing a challenge, hope to best an opponent, or need some extra vitality or courage—in an athletic event, for example—consider doing a spell at this time. Want to stimulate movement in a situation or remove an obstacle? Aries’s fiery energy can provide zing and speed up the process. Spells cast at this time often manifest quickly, but their results don’t always endure long-term. Candle spells can be especially effective now.


  The fruitful and down-to-earth nature of this sign supports spells to attract material goodies. Now’s the time to do magick for wealth, comfort and security, and abundance of all kinds. Taurus’s creative energy also encourages fertility, whether you’re trying to start a family or birth a great work of art. Love spells can benefit from the cosmic forces at work now too. Tap the power of plants and gemstones this month to enhance your spells.


  This mentally oriented sign supports the use of affirmations, incantations, and chants in spellwork. During this month, you can also benefit from studying magickal traditions and/or sharing your knowledge with other like-minded people. Your ability to communicate may be sharper now, so try contacting spirit guides or use telepathy to send messages to other people. This is a good time to receive guidance from oracles as well.


  Now’s the time to develop your intuition, for Cancer’s energy increases your sensitivity to everything in the cosmos. Spells to protect your home and family, bless a new home, or increase fertility can benefit from Cancer’s energy too. You might also consider doing past-life regressions this month or connect with loved ones who’ve left the physical plane. The Summer Solstice occurs when the sun enters Cancer, making this a good time to do magick to attract abundance and to cele
brate your blessings.


  Leo’s energy supports spells to strengthen your self-esteem, advance your position in the world, improve your public image, or get the recognition you seek. The creative energy of this sign can also boost your own creative ability—use this period to let the artist in you shine. Enrich all your spells and rituals with an extra dash of drama and imagination now.


  Virgo’s practical energy supports spells to improve your work situation and/or relationships with coworkers, clients, and colleagues. This is also an ideal time to perform healing spells, especially using botanicals. Working with plant/tree magick can be rewarding now—invite the nature spirits known as devas to assist you. Connecting with your spirit animal guides may prove fruitful as well. Consider doing spells to heal the earth this month too.


  This sign, ruled by Venus—the planet of love and relationships—strengthens loves spells and spells to improve relationships of all kinds. Spells to enhance your beauty, expand your social network, or encourage people to view you more favorably can benefit from Libra’s power of attraction. If you’re seeking more peace and harmony in your life, this is the time to perform magick for that purpose—consider doing spells for world peace now too.